Dr Dáire McGill invited to participate in a workshop with Colombian Truth Commissioner at the University of Bristol
Dr Dáire McGill has been invited to participate in a workshop with Colombian Truth Commissioner, Alejandra Miller, on Friday 4th November at the University of Bristol.

Dr Dáire McGill participates in the Political Power, Criminality and Conflict Conference at Dublin City University
Dr Dáire McGill served as a participant in the ‘Political Power, Criminality and Conflict Conference’ organised by the International Institute for Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction at Dublin City University on 16th September 2022. The conference aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the ways in which criminality and politics interact in civil war.

Dr Dáire McGill chairs and presents at the 2022 Conflict Research Society Conference
On September 9th 2022 at the Conflict Research Society Conference, Queens University Belfast, Dr Dáire McGill served as a Chair and Discussant on the International Conflict panel and later presented his research entitled, ‘From Secession to Sense of Belonging: Why Transnationality in Conflict Matters’.

Dr Markus Hochmüller and Dr Dáire McGill organise a Civil Society Workshop in Cali, Colombia
On July 28th 2022, Dr Dáire McGill and Dr Markus Hochmüller served as organisers of the Civil Society Workshop, ‘Holistic Peace and Security practices: Territorial experiences and National coordination’ at ICESI University, Cali, Colombia.

Dr Dáire McGill celebrates the launch of the edited volume 'Beyond Transitional Justice: Transformative Justice and the State of the Field (or non-field)'
On May 31st 2022, Dr Dáire McGill celebrated the book launch of the edited volume Beyond Transitional Justice: Transformative Justice and the State of the Field (or non-field), which included a presentation of his chapter within the work ‘Transforming Experiences of Citizen Security?’

Dr Markus Hochmüller will be panelist on the Latin American Geography Panel Discussion
4 February 2021, Dr Hochmüller will be presenting some updates on the paper "Covid-19 in Colombia's Borderlands and the Western Hemisphere: Adding Instability to a Double Crisis" written by Dr Annette Idler and Dr Markus Hochmüller on Volume 19, July 2020. Register Here:
New Research Project on Colombian Security Cooperation
CONPEACE will host the new research project “Colombian Lessons? Assessing the Practical and Normative Consequences of Latin American South-South Security Cooperation”. In cooperation with Professor Markus-Michael Müller (Roskilde University), CONPEACE Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Markus Hochmüller will examine the effectiveness, empirical legitimacy, and local impact of Colombian security cooperation in Latin America. The two-year project is funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation’s Special Programme Security, Society and the State. Please find more details here.
Unidad Policial para la Edificación de la Paz (UNIPEP) invited Dr Idler to participate on the II Peace Building Congress
UNIPEP invited Dr Idler to share CONPEACE and the Conflict Platform's work about peacebuilding and rethinking security on the "II Congreso Internacional de Género y Construcción de Paz en el Servicio de Policía".
Dr Idler was interviewed by The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard
The Weatherhead Center published two interviews with Dr Idler about her work on the Conflict Platform and CONPEACE, and how these evaluate life in the borderlands, and reinvented the way in which insecurity can be tracked across time and space.
Part 1: Armed Groups are Watching You: Life in the Borderlands
Dr Idler's participation on the Geneva Peace Week 2020
During the Geneva Peace Week 2020, Dr Idler had the pleasure to participate in the podcast "How can peace mediation stay relevant in the post-COVID world?" Listen here
Article praising CONPEACE work on The Research Impact Website of the University of Oxford
After winning the Earle Career prize, the research impact division of the University of Oxford wrote an article on Dr Idler and the Conflict Platform and CONPEACE work.
We invite you to have a glimpse of what we do to rethink conflict and build peace in Colombia's borderlands.
New CONPEACE brief analyses sexual and gender-based violence in the border
The policy brief "Gendering the Border Effect: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Midst of Insecurity and a Refugee Crisis" written by Dr Zulver and Dr Idler addresses the risks faced by women, girls, and LGBTI community in the border between Colombia and Venezuela. See Related Publications.
Call for Papers CONPEACE Panel Lasa 2021
The double-panel "Changing Security Landscapes at the Margins – Bridging the Centre-Periphery Gap" is organised by CONPEACEand welcomes applicants to submit paper title, abstract and short bio before August 16, 2020. More Info
Dr Annette Idler's latest publication for World Politics
"The Logic of Illicit Flows in Armed Conflict: Explaining Variation in Violent Nonstate Group Interactions in Colombia" Available here
'Hablemos Sin Fronteras' Dr Annette Idler in conversation with David Smolansky from OEA
A conversation on Venezuela's migrant and refugee crisis. 14 June 2020
New article by Dr Idler and Dr Hochmüller for The Conversation
"Venezuelan migrants face crime, conflict and coronavirus at Colombia’s closed border" is now available. 5 June, 2020
Dr Masullo and Dr Zulver just released an article for Political Violence at a Glance
"In War-Torn Colombia, One Community Stands Up To Outsiders" is now available. 27 May, 2020
Latest article "COVID-19 in Colombia’s Borderlands and the Western Hemisphere: Adding Instability to a Double Crisis" by Dr Idler and Dr Hochmüller
Journal of Latin American Geography, Ahead of Print: JLAG Perspectives, Forum: COVID-19 in Latin America 27 May, 2020
Book Review: "From Transitional to Transformative Justice" by Dr Dáire McGill
Social & Legal Studies. 20 March, 2020
First report of Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership between CONPEACE and LAI out now
"Justice, Politics, and Security: Understanding Transitions across Colombia's Margins" Executive Report of the November 2019 forum at the University of Oxford. See here
Dr Julia Zulver and Dr Annette Idler's New Article in Third World Quarterly
"Gendering the border effect: the double impact of Colombian insecurity and the Venezuelan refugee crisis" is now available in Third World Quarterly DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2020.1744130
Dr Annette Idler at Rodeemos el Diálogo Conversatorium
Dr Annette Idler will participate in Rodeemos el Diálogo's conversatorium "Cese al fuego unilateral del ELN (abril 2020): implicaciones y oportunidades" next Thursday the 16th of April, 2020.
Just Released: Policy Brief April 2020
The policy brief "The Double Crisis in the Colombian Borderlands: Addressing the Humanitarian-Security Nexus" is now available. See here.
Report forum February 2020 available upon request
The report of the cross-stakeholder forum "The Double Crisis in the Colombian Borderlands: Addressing the Humanitarian-Security Nexus" held in Bogotá last February 2020 is available upon request.
"CCW’s Dr Annette Idler Recognised in International Affairs" Pembroke College News
Congratulations to Dr Annette Idler, who had her recent book Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime, and Governance at the Edges of Colombia's War, (OUP, 2019) featured by the International Affairs Journal as part of their International Women’s Day celebrations.
"Fronteras" An article about CONPEACE in a Colombian Newspaper
Professor Fernando Cepeda wrote an article on the latest Cross-Stakeholder forum by CONPEACE and Dr Idler's research.
"No se había escrito un trabajo tan completo como el de la profesora Annette Idler sobre las fronteras colombianas, principalmente la colombo-venezolana y la colombo-ecuatoriana." Febrero 28, 2020
Dr Jan Boesten at the Changing Character of War Seminar Series
Dr Jan Boesten will present his research "Uncertainty and Mutual Recognition in Colombia - the Study of the Nature of Armed Non-State Actors in the Colombian Conflict" at the Changing Character of War Seminar Series. February 18, 2020.
Dr Annette Idler Speaking at the CID Speaker Series
Dr Idler will be discussing the finding of her book "Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime, and Governance at the Edges of Colombia’s War " on the Centre for International Development at Havard University. February 14, 2020
The latest podcast of the Growth Lab, Harvard University features Dr Annette Idler
The Double Crisis: Insecurity and Humanitarian Plight at the Colombia-Venezuela Border
"In this Growth Lab podcast, Research Assistant Ana Grisanti interviews Annette, who discusses how the so-called border effect has facilitated violence, undermined trust relationships, attracted numerous violent non-state groups, and obscured the nuanced realities of multiple insecurities." January 29,2020
Dr Markus Hochmüller joins the CONPEACE team
Dr Hochmüller will be part of the CONPEACE team as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. He is also the Co-PI of the research project “The Comeback of the Latin American Armed Forces” (funded by the Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership). Markus holds a PhD in political science from Freie Universität Berlin, where he has worked as a Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Centre 700 – ‘Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood’, and as a Lecturer in Latin American Politics at the Institute for Latin American Studies. January 20,2020
Dr Dáire McGill at the Changing Character of War Centre Seminar Series
Dr Dáire McGill presented “Marginality, (in)security and political participation in conflict and beyond” at the Changing Character of War Centre Seminar Series. December 5, 2019.
Dr Annette Idler at the David Rockefeller Latin American Center, Harvard University
Dr Annette Idler discussed the security situation at the Colombia-Venezuela border at a Roundtable event hosted at the David Rockefeller Latin American Center, Harvard University. November 19, 2019.
Dr Annette Idler at Brown University
Dr Annette Idler was invited to present the findings and policy implications of her book “Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime, and Governance at the Edges of Colombia’s War” at Brown University. November 14, 2019
Dr Annette Idler at a United Nations University event in New York
Dr Annette Idler was invited to talk about her book “Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime, and Governance at the Edges of Colombia’s War” at a United Nations University event in New York. The book was discussed by UN Under-Secretary-General Fabrizio Hochschild. November 1, 2019.
Dr Annette Idler at the Weatherhead Center Forum at Harvard University
Dr Annette Idler was invited to present her work on the implementation of the Colombian peace process at the Weatherhead Center Forum at Harvard University, October 30, 2019.
Dr Jan Boesten Wins Extension to Grant for Colombia Research
Dr Jan Boesten has been awarded a year extension to his grant from the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung Foundation. October 29,2019
Dr Annette Idler at the CLAIS Colloquia, Yale MacMillan Center
Dr Annette Idler was invited to talk about her book at the “CLAIS Colloquia: Book discussion with Annette Idler - Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime, and Governance at the Edges of Colombia’s War” at the Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies (CLAIS). October 23, 2019.
Dr Idler's post for London School of Economics' Blog
"Borderland Battles" review by Jorge Botero
An article reviewing Dr Idler's book has been published in a national newspaper. "Son pocos los estudiosos que se han ocupado de analizar, a partir del conocimiento directo de las áreas asediadas por la violencia, las tragedias de quienes en ellas viven." April 8,2019 Full article
Dr Annette Idler at the Graduate Intitute, Geneva
"Borderland Battles" book launch at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. Discussion around the security challenges for individuals in a conflict-crime context. April 4,2019
Dr Annette Idler dicussed her findings of her timely new book "Borderland Battles" at WOLA
"Dr Idler’s work offers a more holistic and nuanced understanding of “people-centered security” than has been available so far. It has also given her detailed knowledge of the Colombia-Venezuela border zone, which is suffering important consequences of Venezuela’s crisis." April 1, 2019
Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime and Governance at the Edges of Colombia's War" Book Released
It is a privilege for the CONPEACE programme to announce the recent release of our Project Director Annette Idler's new book "Borderland Battles: Violence, Crime and Governance at the Edges of Colombia's War". It is an essential piece to have a better understanding of our current regional security dynamic, and the security landscape in the borderlands from a people-centred approach. Official launching will be on May 1, 2019, at Pembroke College, University of Oxford.
Dr Julia Zulver's Latest Article on Gender Violence for The Washington Post
Violence against Women and girls as a result of the Venezuelan migration and Colombia's armed conflict increases, but media is focused on the aid delivery and the political disputes between Maduro and the opposition.
Dr Annette Idler's Latest Article for The Conversation
Conpeace research shows how the absence of basic services in border communities fuels crime, prostitution, and begging. These tensions and the emerging xenophobic discourses have become an explosive mix that threatens the security of the individuals, and the stability of the frontier.
Dr Jan Boesten's Latest Article on Colombia’s New Gun Law
"Colombia's New Gun Law Could Invoke Another Episode of Violent Vigilantism".The Globe Post. 22 January 2019
Dr Annette Idler's Insights on the Venezuelan Crisis for BBC World Service
Venezuela Crisis: Defectors fear for families under Maduro government. Discussion in the BBC World Service on why military intervention in Venezuela would risk leading to messy cross-border conflict, increase in organised crime and undermine fragile Colombia's Peace Accord. More diplomatic measures are crucial. Intervention starts at 27:57
Colombia's New Presidency and the Protection of Social Leaders., 18 August, 2018. Dr Jan Boesten and Dr Annette Idler.
The government can benefit from civil society's expertise and give them a central role in the process of bringing institutionality to Colombia's marginalized regiones, write Jan Boesten and Annette Idler in E-International Relations.
Challenges in Colombia's Changing Security Landscape, May 2018
The University of Oxford’s CONPEACE (From Conflict Actors to Architects of Peace) Program at the Changing Character of War Centre, together with Bogota’s Rosario University and the Simon Bolívar University in Cúcuta, organized a one-day, cross-stakeholder workshop in Bogotá prior to the presidential elections to discuss the changing security landscape in Colombia.
The workshop brought together stakeholders from Colombia’s civil society (both urban and rural), the UNHCR (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and the UN Mission to Colombia (as representatives of the international community), the national government, and national and international academics.
The following articles explore some of the most important insights from our debates. Three points were essential: first, our understanding of security issues can benefit greatly from employing human and citizen security lenses that go beyond mere military presence throughout the national territory; second, the peace process with the FARC is not reversible and should be seen as an opportunity for the new government to create sustainable peace; third, the national government can learn from the collective action and community organizing of civil society in marginalized regions to improve long-term, people-centered security.
Lasa International. Vol 49
Annette Idler at the House of Lords
Dr Annette Idler joined an expert panel on the current state of the Colombian peace process at the House of Lords, 14 May 2018.
Project team members participate in 'Colombia After the Peace Accords' Conference
Dr Annette Idler chaired a session on the 'Challenges of Equitable Development', and Dr Jan Boesten spoke on 'Bringing Citizens Back In: Uncertainty in Colombia's Post-Agreement Context', as part of a programme which brought together academics and experts to focus on new challenges and new paths forward from a multidisciplinary perspective. 1 December, 2017
CCW hosts roundtable with Mariana Escobar, Director General of the Colombian Agency for Territorial Renewal
The Colombian Territorial Renewal Agency (ART) is the entity responsible for reactivating conflict affected rural areas of Colombia, with the goal of strengthening local governance capacities, in the aftermath of the peace agreement between the Colombian government and FARC.
This roundtable, arranged by the Changing Character of War (CCW) Centre at Pembroke College, Oxford, brought together a selected group of experts working on issues related to conflict, governance, and development in various regions across the world, to exchange experiences and research findings on such efforts and related policies with a view to enhancing the outcome for affected communities on the ground in a changing security landscape. 1 December, 2017
Dr Annette Idler speaks at United Nations University panel series on 'Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts'
Dr Idler held a talk entitled "Will tomorrow's conflicts be for political power or for criminal profit?" at the 'Preventing Tomorrow’s Conflicts' speaker series at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The 'Preventing Tomorrow’s Conflicts' speaker series is jointly hosted by the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations and the United Nations University (UNU) Office at the United Nations. It aims to bring leading academics from around the world to the UN to discuss with policymakers how tomorrow’s conflicts may differ from today’s, what the drivers of tomorrow’s conflicts may be, and how the UN can help to prevent them. 28 November, 2017